Options |
Default |
Syntax/Description |
SET NULL null_text Controls the text uSQL* prints in a column when the value for that column is null |
SET PROMPT prompt_text Controls the text of the uSQL* command prompt |
SET SQLTERMINATOR terminator Controls the character for terminating an SQL statement |
SET SUFFIX suffix Controls the default extension used for finding files named to execte external command files |
SET SCRIPT_EXEC_PREFIX prefix Controls the default prefix used for executing external command files |
SET PAGESIZE pagesize Controls the number of records displayed per page |
SET ARRAYSIZE arraysize Gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed |
SET TIMEOUT timeout Sets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a query to execute before throwing an exception |
SET ECHO on|off Controls if commands should be echoed to the screen while a command file is being exected |
SET FEEDBACK on|off Controls if uSQL* should display the number of affected records by a query |
SET SQLNUMBER on|off Controls if uSQL* should display the line number while in SQL edit mode |
SET SHOWMODE on|off Controls if uSQL* should list the before and after values when using the SET command |
SET SQLPATHS path Controls where uSQL* should look for command files to be exected |
SHOW parameter|ALL Displays the value for the parameter parameter or all values when parameter is ALL |
CONNECT alias driver url username password database Makes a connection to the database server |
DISCONNECT connection alias Disconnects the connection referenced by the connection alias parameter |
USE CONNECTION connection alias Uses the CONNECTION referenced by the connection alias parameter |
USE DATABASE database Uses the DATABASE referenced by the database parameter |
USE OUTPUT output Uses the Output referenced by the output parameter |
SAVE filename [CREATE]|[REPLACE]|[APPEND] Saves the query to a file referenced by the filename parameter. If the [CREATE] parameter is specified, the operation will fail if the file already exists |
APPEND (Line-Editing Command) |
APPEND text Appends the text to the end of the current line of the query in the Buffer |
CHANGE (Line-Editing Command) |
CHANGE /from/to/ Changes the first occurence of from with to in the current line of the query in the Buffer |
CHANGE /delete/ Deletes the first occurence of delete in the current line of the query in the Buffer |
DEL (Line-Editing Command) |
DEL Deletes the current line of the query in the Buffer |
DEL linenum Deletes the line specified of the query in the Buffer |
INPUT (Line-Editing Command) |
INPUT Adds a line after the current line to the query in the Buffer |
INPUT linenum Adds a line after the line specified to the query in the Buffer |
LIST (Line-Editing Command) |
LIST Displays the entire Buffer |
LIST linenum Displays the linenum in the Buffer and makes that the current line |
LIST start end Displays the range of start to end in the Buffer and makes the last line the current line |
linenum (Line-Editing Command) |
linenum Displays the line specified by the linenum and makes that line the current line |
CLEARBUFFER (Line-Editing Command) |
CLEARBUFFER Clears the Buffer. This deletes all the lines |
SPOOL ON spool file Sets uSQL* to print all output to the spool file |
SPOOL OFF Turns SPOOL off and returns output to the screen |
DESCRIBE CONNECTION Shows connection details for the active connection |
DESCRIBE SERVER Shows all databases on server for the active connection |
DESCRIBE TABLES Shows all tables in the current database for the active connection |
DESCRIBE PROCEDURES Shows all stored procedures in the current database for the active connection |
DESCRIBE INDEXES table Shows all indexes in the named table |
DESCRIBE PRIMARY_KEYS table Shows all primary keys in the named table |
DESCRIBE FOREIGN_KEYS table Shows all foreign keys in the named table |
DESCRIBE TABLE table Shows information about the named table |
Default display from database |
FORMAT DATE date_format Sets uSQL* to format all date types to the specified date_format |
Default display from database |
FORMAT NUMBER num_format Sets uSQL* to format all numeric types to the specified num_format |
{FROM connection_alias|TO connection_alias} destination_table [(column_list)] USING select_statement |
Copy's data from table from one connection to another. |
param value is substituted for param name when prefixed with the '&' character in input |
Adds Procedure to the usql.procs file |
Remove's Procedure from the usql.procs file |